Terms and conditions
Information about the website
The website izoprod.ro is the property of IZO PROD S.R.L., with its headquarters on Campului str., no. 9, room G, Mogosoaia, Ilfov, registered with the Trade Register no. J23/3002/2019, C.I.F. RO 5820702.
This website reserves the right to suspend, modify, add or delete parts of its content at any time. This website reserves the right to partly or completely restrict the access of the users to its content. izoprod.ro can suspend or block the access of certain users to a part or to the entire content of the website, without further explanation or prior notice.
Intellectual property
The content, design and data bases that are accessed through the website are the property of izoprod.ro.
The user is not allowed to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to a third party, modify, or in any other way use the content on this website, unless agreed by izoprod.ro in writing. The use of the content for other purposes than the ones intended by izoprod.ro is forbidden.
Data protection
izoprod.ro does not collect data or personal information from its users.
izoprod.ro uses cookies to ensure a better browsing experience and collects data for analyzing and creating anonymous statistics to enable the improvement of the website's content, without allowing the identification of the user, as it does not request personal information.
The collected information for the analysis of the user's activity is provided by the server's traffic rapport: IP address, time of the visit on the website. This information is recorded for a limited amount of time and does not use the data traffic information to identify the users behind the IP addresses.
izoprod.ro utilizes as a third party the services of traffic analysis Google Analytics.
izoprod.ro guarantees that it is continually working on data safety, according to the security standards imposed by the Romanian law.